by Chris Muise 译/刘佳宁
“哈利法克斯离中国太远,而且没有直达航班,” 张先生解释道,“这是拿省旅游业在地理上的劣势,意味着东部沿海省份不如安省和卑诗省受欢迎。”
拿省旅游局局长Patrick Sullivan先生说:“中国出境游人数每年呈百万增长。市场增长速度之快,让我们有些迫不及待。我们现在必须为这个市场做好准备。”
“我们需要因地制宜,需要突破,要研发真正能够吸引中国游客的旅游项目。” 省旅游协会董事会主席Scott MacAulay先生说。“我正在与多方面合作,力求解决这些问题。”
“我们还有很多工作要做。” Sullivan说:“可能需要一年甚至三年的时间。”
MacAulay说:“我想,拿省,甚至整个加拿大,才刚刚开始了解中国市场的潜在商机。今后的路还很长。” (完)
Tourism from China is a booming trade these days – there were 83 million outbound Chinese tourists last year, and that number is expected to rise. Canada has welcomed hundreds of thousands of these Chinese tourists onto her shores in the last few years, but few of these tourists seem to make their way to Nova Scotia.
Members of Nova Scotia’s tourism industry recently met at the annual TIANS (Travel Industry Association of Nova Scotia) Tourism Summit, where this year’s tourism season was deconstructed, and projections and plans for the next season were already underway. For some at the summit, correcting for this discrepancy in Chinese tourism to the Maritimes was of paramount importance.
“Right now, the Chinese market is very big,” says Charlie Zhang, Marketing Manager for Piyao International Travel. “Last year, there was a total of 277,000 Chinese tourists who came to Canada. It’s a 26 per cent increase compared to 2011.”
Zhang credits the boom in Chinese tourists visiting our country to Canada being granted approved destination status in 2010. Unfortunately, in part due to geography, Nova Scotia and the other Atlantic provinces only see a small chunk of these Chinese visitors. Those traveling from China to Canada will land on either the west coast, or Ontario.
“Halifax is the farthest city from China, and there’s no direct flight that can reach Halifax from China,” says Zhang. “That means the maritime provinces are not as popular as Ontario and British Columbia. That’s the disadvantage of Nova Scotia tourism.”
That’s not to say Nova Scotia doesn’t see visitors from China, but a majority of these visitors are here for business purposes, and rarely travel here for pleasure alone. There exist Canadian tour packages for Chinese tourists, according to Zhang, that do include Halifax, but the itinerary only calls for a single day. Zhang wants that to change, and he’s not alone.
“With China increasing at millions of outbound visitors a year, we need to get ready,” says Patrick Sullivan, CEO of the Nova Scotia Travel Agency. “We are anxious, and we know that the Chinese market is growing dramatically, so we want to be ready.”
With geography and cost posing a roadblock to visiting Nova Scotia, those in the industry hope to employ a dual strategy of target marketing in China, and getting businesses and destinations over here prepared to offer what Chinese tourists want.
“We need to open our arms, and open our hearts, to these people, and develop a product that they’re going to want,” says Scott MacAulay, the Chair of the TIANS Board of Directors. “I’m working with a few groups now, and that’s just what they’re doing. They’re developing packages, they’re developing different reasons why Chinese people would come to Nova Scotia.”
“Although the transportation is not that convenient,” says Zhang, “Nova Scotia has a lot of advantages. We have the perfect weather. We have a unique culture. We can provide some products that focus on just the high-end level – those people who come here who can pay, just for golf.”
Whatever the strategies employed may be in the coming tourist seasons, all sides agree that this is not an overnight fix; it’s going to take a lot of work and cooperation to get the Maritimes ready for this potential influx of new visitors.
“There’s still some work to do,” says Sullivan. “I think we can do some of that over the next year, or two, or three.”
“I think we’re just at the start for Nova Scotia, or even Canada, to understand the opportunity that exists in China,” says MacAulay. “It’s a long ways away.”