Learning the rules 学习新的规则
By Qiuling Wu, International Student Advisor, Dalhousie University
International students often face difficult challenges of learning new and hidden rules. To succeed in university, students must learn to navigate a world of new social norms.
According to Charlie Tyson in “The Hidden Curriculum”, one common university norm is that students have to become comfortable with asking questions when they do not understand and seeking help when they need academic support. Students often suffer in silence because they do not want to give the impression that they are deficient. Also students should take the initiative to build relationships with their professors because strong faculty and student relationships are highly valued and rewarded in higher education. If students become close with their professors, they are more likely to have access to privileges such as research opportunities and internships.
Other important topics covered in Tyson’s article includefollowing deadlines and showing up for scheduled appointments. These may seem unimportant to some but are highly valued traits in Canadian higher education.
Source: “The Hidden Curriculum”, Inside Higher Education, August 4, 2014
10 things you need to know 给大家的十点建议
By Kay Balite, International Student Advisor, Mount Saint Vincent University
1. 确认签证、学习许可的截止日期,并把护照信息电子备份。
2. 按时出勤,主动与教授介绍自己。
3. 大胆提问,主动寻求帮助。
4. 建立学习小组,可寻求课外辅导。
5. 参加学术技能讲座(例如:学习技能、时间管理等)。均衡分配学习、工作和生活的时间。
6. 熟悉图书馆和图书管理员,掌握文献检索技能。
7. 在新学期前安排与导师见面。确保每学年与导师至少有一次会面。
8. 了解加拿大课堂礼仪以及作业和学习要求。
9. 建立社交圈。可参加校内外的志愿者活动,或组织各项活动,探索城市,尝试新鲜事。
10. 选择住校,尤其是大一。住校将有助于提高你的综合能力。
1. Know your visa and study permit expiry date and create electronic copies of all your immigration documents.
2. Attend class regularly and introduce yourself to your professors.
3. Do not be afraid to ask questions and to ask for help.
4. Form student study groups –hire a tutor if needed.
5. Attend academic success workshops (i.e. study skills, time management). Create a healthy school/work/life balance.
6. Learn and familiarize yourself with the library and know your librarians–master research skills.
7. Meet with your academic advisor before you begin your studies. From then on, schedule to meet at least once a year until you complete your degree.
8. Become familiar with Canadian classroom etiquette and assignment/study expectations.
9. Build your network as soon as you arrive. Volunteer –on and/or off-campus. Participate and become involved in different events. Explore the city and try new things.
10. Live on residence, especially in your first year. Living on residence strengthens your integration exponentially.
In and outside of the classroom 课堂内外
By Stefan Ferron, Executive Marketing & Sales Director, CLLC Halifax
1. 学习英文时切记英文是帮助你通向高等教育的阶梯。课外时间尽量少说中文,否则你的努力将付诸东流。
2. 与老师一起解决学习问题。建立良好的师生关系将更容易听取老师的反馈意见。
3. 了解并尊重学术规则。抄袭在加拿大的学术领域是绝不容许的,一旦发生,将可能被学校开除。切记使用他人研究成果时要注明出处。
4. 参加各项课外活动。无压力的环境能更好地锻炼英文。
1. While studying English, remember your purpose. English is your gateway to higher education. Don’t sabotage your efforts by speaking Chinese outside of school hours.
2. Work with your teachers. They’re there to help you. Develop a strong constructive relationship where you feel comfortable accepting constructive criticism. Your teachers are only there to help.
3. Realize and respect academic rules. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence in Canada for which you can be expelled from university. Never use anybody’s work without giving credit.
4. Join all extra-curricular activities. By doing this you can practice your English in a stress-free environment in a natural setting, rather than a classroom.
Establishing a business vs. job searching 创业与就业
By Victor Zhu, IT Service Management Coordinator, Halifax Regional Municipality
If you’re determined and passionate about starting a business, and don’t care about income for the first couple years, there are many opportunities in Halifax where you can be a young entrepreneur. You may harvest unexpected opportunities from enhancing your networking skills and building a wide business network. Also leverage many of the government programs, grants, initiatives to help building your business successfully.
Being a 9-5 professional is not a bad choice where you would have better work and life balance. Networking is the key to landing a job. Take advantage of programs such as Connector Program at Greater Halifax Partnership. Don’t forget to build and maintain a good reputation! Words travel and Halifax is a small town. Good reputation will go a long way.
Focus on your goals 专注于自己的目标
By Jennifer Liu, Project Coordinator, Innovacorp; Director of Immigration & Diversity, Fusion Halifax
Nothing is more important than setting clear goals. I know there are so many things you attempt to worry about, but try to only worry about achieving your goals. In my case, my goals were to pay tuition, gain Canadian work experience and graduate on time, which I focused throughout my university years. Although I worked long hours to achieve those goals, I had fun. I loved every job I had, made amazing friends and learned the local culture.
For me, the most rewarding experience came from my co-op terms, which offered me the opportunity to figure out my real interest – entrepreneurship and project management.
So focus on your goals. Explore your options, do research and invest in your future. As an international student, you’ll have so much to offer.