Tag Archives: Saint Mary’s University

Colin Dodds reflects on his years-long relationship with China科林道兹谈与中国交流合作关系

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By Chris Muise

Dr. J. Colin Dodds has experienced a lot of firsts up to and including his tenure as president of Saint Mary’s University. He was first made a member of the faculty in September of 1982. His first day on the job as the departmental chair of Finance and Management Sciences and the M.B.A. Director in 1984. His first day as Dean of the Sobey School of Business in 1987, first day as V.P. Academic and Research in 1991, and finally, his first day as the President of SMU in 2000.

Now, in 2015, as his tenure as president comes to a close, he’s starting to experience the flip-side of all those many firsts.

“It’s bittersweet. There’s a lot of ‘lasts,’” says Dr. Dodds, who was preparing for his final convocation ceremony as president at the time of this interview. “Every week, there’s a ‘last’ of some sort.”

Dr. Dodds has accomplished many great things during his 33-year run at Saint Mary’s, and during his 15-year run as president, to the point that it almost does him a disservice to devote an article to just one facet of his distinguished career. Read More →

二十四节气之民俗活动 24 Solar Terms: Traditional Activities

by Qianyi Gao, Confucius Institute at Saint Mary’s University  供稿: 圣玛丽大学孔子学院  高倩艺


立春时节,人们泥塑一头牛鞭打它,以期播种顺利,叫鞭春牛。有的地方人们对泥牛用力鞭打,直至把它打碎。这时围观的群众会一拥而上,抢得泥牛的一块土块,带回去把它埋到自家的地里。人们相信这春牛的土块 能够保佑牲畜健康以及农事顺利。

立夏时节,人们要称体重。据说称过体重,能够降低夏天生病的概率。还有一项有趣的活动——主要是孩子们玩的——“斗蛋”。在一堆煮熟的鸡蛋中挑出蛋壳最结实的,拿去跟别的水煮蛋顶。如果能让另一只出现裂 痕,而自己的完好无损,就可以去找下一个再顶。一轮下来,蛋壳最硬的那只鸡蛋胜出。

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