by Yongmei Wang 作者: 王咏梅
对比中西式就餐方式,明显的差别有两个:合餐/分餐,付账/拆账。 中国人聚餐时一人点菜大家吃,菜肴都放在餐桌中间,供就餐者共享。 西餐桌上,就餐者为自己点餐。 虽也有分享,基本上每人主要吃自己盘中食物。用餐完毕,中国人一桌一份账单,众人争相做东;西方人通常各自付账。

Yongmei Wang introducing guest speakers at China’s Day of the Multicultural Week at the Keshen Goodman library.
What we eat and how we eat says a lot about our culture. The world’s countries celebrate different occasions – from birthdays to national holidays – and eating is always an important part of celebrations. However, when it comes to sharing food, the Chinese stand out as a people who gain satisfaction from treating others to a delicious meal.
Two significant differences between Chinese and Western dining habits are sharing and paying for a meal. When Chinese people dine together, the food is ordered to share amongst all diners. Dishes are served in the centre of the table for the purpose of sharing. In the West, food is served individually, and people eat from their own plates. When it’s time to pay for the meal, Chinese take a long time to settle the dispute of who has the honour to pay for the group. The culture of “treating the group” is common in China whereas in the Western countries, it is rare and would depend on the occasion.
Dining together means having company to share the joy of food. In early civilizations, sharing food was limited to family and trusted tribal members related by kinship. Thousands of years have passed, but those traditions remain. Seeking friendship or business partners outside of kinship is not easy. However, sharing food simulates a kinship, and has become a testimony of trust. It has become a universal model for people to socialize and gain trust through dining together. In this way, paying for the whole group has become a special custom for the Chinese.
China entered into the agricultural era about four thousand years ago. Farming was the primary industry until only about two hundred years ago. The long-term, stationary farming system created a stable society. The nature of agriculture restricted labour mobility, so people had to remain in one place and later form a stable community. Crops take time to grow and mature before a harvest. This process came to be a model of Chinese social life.
Sustainability and reciprocity are the fundamental principles for social interactions in China. The rationalization behind paying for other people’s meals is that sometime in the future I shall be rewarded. However, Chinese don’t necessarily expect rewards in forms of future meals: the reward might come as a piece of useful information, assistance in solving a problem, or a networking opportunity with an important contact. Eating with potential business partners before or after professional meetings is not only important but strategic. It provides an opportunity to analyze the personalities of business contacts.
Who finally gets to pay the bill? The answer could run pages after pages. Long story short, giving is receiving. For people who treat others, not only do they win respect by being generous, they stand in a position to ask future favours. Conversely, receiving is usually giving. Those who enjoy free meals will eventually repay the favour in one way or another.
Having said that, there are some guidelines to follow. If you were a guest, your host would be expected to take care of the bill, but guests should offer to pay nonetheless. When a group of people eat out together, the person who suggests eating out should normally pay. On an occasion where people celebrate, the person being honoured by the celebration usually pays.
Getting to know some of the unwritten rules of the eating culture in China is important for those who seek to form personal and professional relationships with their Chinese counterparts. It is safe to say that, in China, people who never share a meal together are not likely to form a significant relationship.