By Colin Chisholm
Translation by Christine Qin Yang
Whether you celebrate New Year on January 1, or you celebrate the lunar New Year like in Chinese culture, one thing that both nights have in common is that it’s customary to share that night with friends and family, and anyone else whose company you’ve come to cherish.
This year, Bill Bu and the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association Atlantic Section decided they wanted to broaden that notion of celebrating with friends – they turned their annual Chinese New Year Gala into an opportunity for the Chinese community to share its culture with their Nova Scotian friends and associates, and allow those friends the chance to return the favour.
In past years, the HKCBA has partnered with the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia to put on the annual Chinese New Year Gala in Halifax, but this year, they wanted to try something new, and decided to do so solo.
“There are different societies in the community. There are other Chinese community organizations, and they also will come up with something that will reflect their mission, and their interests, and their unique features,” says Bu, the president of the HKCBA Atlantic Section. “People want to have different ways of doing things, people want to try different things.”
That’s not to say that the HKCBA was strictly alone in running this year’s celebration. Sponsors played a big role in putting this year’s show together.
“This is the first year that we’re running the program on our own, and of course, with a lot of support,” says Bu, who says that this event boasts over 20 corporate sponsors, all of whom share ties with the HKCBA. “I think it will be nice for us, also – the HKCBA – is, being a business organization, we’re connected with local governments, the business community, and also the university community.”
The sense of welcomeness that the Chinese community feels from Nova Scotia businesses and universities is not lost on Bu, and as a way of giving back, he wanted to use the opportunity of celebrating Chinese New Year to show that appreciation.
“This event, it’s not really a Chinese New Year celebration. We’re using the Chinese New Year celebration as a platform to celebrate the Canada/China/Nova Scotia linkages,” says Bu. “This is also to showcase that we do appreciate other cultures. This event will be unique in a way, because we are going to provide not just Chinese culture, but also local Celtic Nova Scotia heritage.”
Hosted at Saint Mary’s University, the evening’s entertainment was a mix of both traditional Chinese and Celtic Nova Scotian music and dance. The Chinese side of the entertainment, which included songs, instruments, and folk art, was provided by students of SMU’s sister school, Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai. Their Dean of Chinese Studies – Dr. Zhang Mingyuan – accompanied them as a special guest.
The Celtic Colours International Festival took the reigns for the Celtic entertainment, with exhibitions of traditional celtic dances and instruments. In the festival’s 19-year history, they’ve never played alongside traditional Chinese performers.
“We never have had that opportunity, so we jumped at it,” says Joella Foulds, the executive director of Celtic Colours. “We thought that would be really fun, and really interesting to see some of their culture being displayed, and for them to see some of our culture being displayed.”
It’s a tradition for the Celtic Colours festival to end the show with all the performers performing together, and this was no exception (but it was exceptional). The sold-out evening ended with all the performers from both cultures coming together in a rendition of Auld Lang Syne, sung in both English and Chinese.
Bu believes that this showcase was an example of the kind of multicultural understanding Nova Scotia needs in order to prosper, and the kind that many in the province already routinely extends.
“The ties, really, they exist here,” says Bu. “It’s how we can show the ties to the people, and people will work together to strengthen those ties.”
“我们从来没有过同台的机会,所以当我们了解到这次机会后,当然毫不犹豫地答应了。”凯尔特国际文化节负责人Joella Foulds说:“可以与其它民俗表演同台竞技是非常有趣的事情 。”