Category Archives: Events 活动

Hong Kong-Canada Business Association invites friends, partners to share in exchange of multicultural celebrations港加商会办春晚庆多元文化

By  Colin Chisholm
Translation by Christine Qin Yang

Whether you celebrate New Year on January 1, or you celebrate the lunar New Year like in Chinese culture, one thing that both nights have in common is that it’s customary to share that night with friends and family, and anyone else whose company you’ve come to cherish.

This year, Bill Bu and the Hong Kong-Canada Business Association Atlantic Section decided they wanted to broaden that notion of celebrating with friends – they turned their annual Chinese New Year Gala into an opportunity for the Chinese community to share its culture with their Nova Scotian friends and associates, and allow those friends the chance to return the favour.

In past years, the HKCBA has partnered with the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia to put on the annual Chinese New Year Gala in Halifax, but this year, they wanted to try something new, and decided to do so solo.

“There are different societies in the community. There are other Chinese community organizations, and they also will come up with something that will reflect their mission, and their interests, and their unique features,” says Bu, the president of the HKCBA Atlantic Section. “People want to have different ways of doing things, people want to try different things.” Read More →

2014圣诞特辑 – 手工艺品交易会

The Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council Christmas Show

日期:11月21– 23日
地点:Cunard Event Centre at Pier 23, 961 Marginal Road, Halifax
票价:成人$7, 学生/老人 $6, 周末通票 $9 ,12岁以下儿童免费
网站: Read More →

Celebrating 60 Years of Benevolence 庆祝新斯高沙省中华会馆成立60周年

文/Chris Muise    译/Christine Yang

CBANS Chairman Eric Yeung, showcasing the poster for the 60th Anniversary Banquet. 中华会馆会长杨力维先生在展示会馆60周年庆典海报。

CBANS Chairman Eric Yeung, showcasing the poster for the 60th Anniversary Banquet.

六十年前, 新斯高沙省中华会馆于哈法成立,其宗旨及目的在于:“对内联络感情,排难解纷,办理华侨公益事业,加强华裔族人的团结;对外促进邦交沟通及与其他族裔居民的交流,争取正当权益和公平待遇。” 今天,这个为当地上千华人作出贡献的新斯高沙省中华会馆迎来了它的钻禧纪念。




“他们希望所有的华人都能团结在一起。” 杨会长谈道:“几乎所有华人都非常支持,他们每人捐献五十分、一元、两元,一点一滴支持着会馆。即使他们有些生活拮据,有的只是在洗衣店或者餐馆打工,他们仍尽力为会馆献上自己的一份力量。”

前新省交通工程部门主管也是中华会馆创始人之一的Fred Lee先生回忆道:“会馆成立初期,大多数会员都是来到这里的第一代移民。由于英文水平有限,他们处理事情时常碰壁。所以,我会常常帮助他们。之后,移民政策有所改变,这里慢慢出现较多的华裔移民。他们之中首先出现了学术类移民,后来各类移民逐渐变多。”

随着中华会馆不断地成长壮大,会馆成员有机会接触到很多的新移民,随而帮助他们解决住房、教育、求职等问题。华人移民从事的行业也从早期的干洗店和餐饮业拓展到医学、科研、工程及政府职务等众多领域。 Read More →


北师大艺术团赴加交流演出 – 国风舞韵MG_9186

11月1日晚7点,在哈法圣玛丽大学孔子学院的组织筹备下,北京师范大学艺术团在哈法Citael高中Spatze剧场成功完成在加东的第四站巡演《国风舞韵》,与中外观众共度了一个精彩难忘的良宵。 加拿大新斯科舍省省督John James Grant及其夫人、中国驻加拿大大使馆张兰春公参、新斯科舍省政府关系促进部副部长Catherin Belwett,以及圣玛丽大学校长Colin Dodds博士莅临观演。(摄影:裘梦婕/薄渊 供稿:哈法华人网) Read More →